Let’s call Pittsburgh a successful first Fringe

I traveled to my first Fringe festival in Pittsburgh this weekend with no idea what to expect. I didn’t know what Pittsburgh would be like, what performing at a festival would be like, whether there would be anyone in the seats, or what it’s like to travel back and forth to venues with a guitar, props and an amplifier when it’s snowing outside.

It was awesome. The staff was super friendly and enthusiastic. The audiences were incredibly responsive. The other artists were amazingly talented and I enjoyed their shows immensely. I got two excellent reviews. I even won an award (see picture on this page). And there was real German beer everywhere near the venue, in particular black lager, so that’s a huge win.

Among some of the terrific shows I saw (or that were there that I have seen before):
Falkland by Tasty Monster Productions (Which won the Best Show Selke award)
#vanlife by New Vintage Ensemble
Krish Mohan’s Empathy on Sale (which won the Audience Choice award)
Peter Michael Marino’s Show Up (which won Best Solo Show)
Amanda Miller’s How to Suffer Better (which won Best Actress)
David Lawson’s No Odd Job
Andrew Frank’s Macrocosm
Tessa Flannery’s Tentacles
And Sean Miller’s Straw, Mud and Old Boards (which got me to scream out loud when he hammered a six inch nail up his nose).


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