DC Shorts Film Festival, 2015

“The acting was top notch… minimum dialogue that allowed the actor to convey his thoughts and emotions without the entanglement of words.”

The Conduit Speaks, June 6, 2014

“Temple plays his part splendidly. The actor elicits genuine concern for his injury, curiosity regarding his intended destination, and tension surrounding his prospects of even arriving there.”

Ambush Bug, Ain’t It Cool News, July 3, 2014

“Temple plays the titular character and… does a great job of injecting both a sense of menace and an air of sympathy to him… Temple makes this character somewhat of a haunted soul with his shivering stance and hollow, yet soulful eyes.”

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Mark Bell, Film Threat, July 9, 2014

“This is a film that works because of the quiet allure of its lead actor… a mesmerizing yet often subtle performance by Dean Temple.”

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Paul Anderson, Strangers in a Cinema, May 7, 2014

“Temple is quite frankly excellent. He delivers a nuanced performance that strikes just the right balance of intimidating and heartfelt… It is difficult to imagine someone else in the role….”

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Michael W. Roberts, Boston Independent Film Review, October 28, 2014

“Dean Temple plays the convict, and he doesn’t utter a word for the first 10 minutes or so, but he doesn’t have to; you can see it all on his face…the pain, angst, and desperation above all else. He dominates the screen. There’s a particular flashback to a parole board hearing that features subtle acting rarely seen in films like this.”

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